Just when you thought only Canon and Kodak were the only alternatives to high-resolution at a reasonable price, Mamiya walks in and crashes the party. The price has not been confirmed as of yet, but a few estimates are at a MSRP of $12,500. This is not bad at all, considering what you're getting into--Digital Medium Format. The Mamiya ZD is the first DMF interchangeable SLR to break this price point, and I am very excited about this for avid photographers.
The Sensor & Imaging Processor
The imaging power behind Mamiya's ZD is the 22MP Dalsa FTF4052C CCD. Dalsa says it has "lower dark current, lower noise, and higher dynamic range than any competitor..." The pixel size is 9µm x 9µm. Dalsa also has a 3.6fps in their spec, so this imager might be capable of more in future cameras.
21.5 Million Pixels
How about we add 15.5 Million more pixels to your current DSLR--is that ok with you? Most photographers crop images to some extent, and there are occasions where you take a shot, and there is something going on within the image you never intended on shooting in the first place--but it's really interesting now that you caught a glance of it while processing in a photo editor. With a ~22MP image, you can now crop this and still retain a fairly large image, maybe even suitable for a crisp and clear 8x10.
Mamiya Digital PhotoStudio
Mamiya has designed new software to process the ZD digital images.
Detachable Low-Pass Filter
For specific shooting situations, a detachable Low-Pass filter can be used with the ZD. The option of not using LP filter is very welcome, as some images do not require it. LP filters reduce the "jaggies" seen in some types of images, but most of the time, an LP filter is not required, which can add a very low but noticeable amount of "blur" to your images.
Other Resourceful Links
Luminous Landscape features a Mamiya ZD Review, translated by Michael Reichmann from German into English, who obtained the review originally from http://www.possi.de/fotografie/mamiyazd.html. Many "hands-on" images, so you should visit both websites.
More Mamiya ZD Images
Mamiya ZD Digital Back
The ZD Digital Back can be used on Mamiya's 645AFD, and the recently-announced Mamiya RZ67Pro-IID. It has the same sensor as the ZD.