SearchMyDiscs by 10-Strike

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SearchMyDiscs 3.0
by 10-Strike
December 31, 2006
SearchMyDiscs IntroductionUsing SearchMyDiscsSearchMyDiscs Conclusion

Features: Organize the content on your burned CD/DVD collection of files and view the content without ever having to access the media itself; label your virtual CD and DVD discs for more familiar browsing
Company Website:
SearchMyDisc Homepage:
MSRP: $39.95 ($29.95 online price)
SearchMyDiscs is a file indexing application from 10-Strike which can solve many obstacles and frustrations encountered with today's rampant accumulation of files saved to hard drives and other media. With technology only getting faster at delivering high-capacity content to your desktop, the inevitability of becoming overwhelmed in data on your PC is very much a reality. Unfortunately, this reality doesn't take hold until the collected information is so large, you no longer have space on your hard drive for other files and you've burned so many CDs and DVDs, the mere thought of figuring out what's on them is nauseating.

10-Strike has a solution for you which just might take care of all those CDs and DVDs lying around collecting dust. The function of SearchMyDiscs is to read the CD and DVD media content, then storing the content on your hard drive (or any other desired location) for later retrieval. When you want to view the scanned media, you simply open the SearchMyDiscs program and view the contents (or view a previously generated HTML Report). The contents of the SearchMyDiscs database where your information is stored, can follow along with you as you burn more content on additional CD and DVD media. If there are images stored on your media, SearchMyDiscs gives you options on creating thumbnails for viewing.

SearchMyDiscs Features

Here are some features of SearchMyDiscs 3.0:

  • Expandable database
  • Highly customizable
  • Search tens, hundreds, even thousands of CD and DVD media without even touching them
  • Know which disc your specific file is on
  • Search a large collection of files easily
  • Customizable searches such as Date, File size, Keyword, File type, etc.
  • Dynamic categorized file structure
  • Generate reports of your entire collection of discs, one disc, or a summation of your discs altogether
  • Loaning discs to friends can be recorded and tracked within SearchMyDiscs
Keeping track of your downloaded files is very difficult to do, and while SearchMyDiscs is a program which will certainly give you the edge in maintaining a grip on your downloads, there is another aspect which must addressed: making sure your media can be easily accessed. This is something to think about as you use the program, and any program for that matter, because when there is a virtual collection of your physical collection, they both must be accessed conveniently.

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