In this area you'll be sharpening your images. Sometimes there are images which need to be sharpened, and there are sometimes where the image needs to be smoothed out a little.
Exposure \\ Focus
The first three adjustment knobs are very similar to Photoshop CS2's sharpening section. If you're familiar with them, then this will be fairly easy to get the output you desire. If this is the first time you've dealt with sharpening, well, feel free to experiment. For a good baseline sharpening protocol, I suggest keeping your Sharpening Amount to less than 25, Sharpening Radius to less than 5, and your Sharpening Threshold to under 5 as well. If the first run is not enough, then run it a second time. The key is gradually sharpening your images rather than having an immediate noticeable difference. You want your image to be "subtly sharp".
The following is an example using the sharpening tools:
Original Image
The following image was sharpened using a Sharpening Amount of 29.79 and a Sharpening Radius of 2.09. The Threshold was left at 0.
Sharpened Image
Blur Opacity and Blur Radius
These two adjustments allow for blurring (i.e., "smoothing", "softening", etc.) of your image.