Shown below are screencaps from Iron Man. I'm just overwhelmingly impressed. I really can't find any major flaw or color inconsistency.
Open the pod bay doors, Hal. Couldn't help but notice the similarity here.
This is really a nice image on a larger HDTV, and the beautiful dark reds really come out to play with your high-def television set.
Couldn't help myself. Very nice skin tones.
If you look at the full-res image of the car, there's such a small hint of grain appearance, it's basically not even worthy of mentioning. This is a naturally crisp image. Normally, with a color such as silver, a grainy image would jump out at you. In this case, we just have a small hint of grain to make the movie more realistic.
Now, in this screencap, we have a wide variety of black levels. The black levels come across absolutely fantastic on my Panasonic 50" "768p" plasma.
Final Thoughts
Not much to really say. This is one spectacular movie from start to finish in terms of video.