Memory Mixer (Version 2) by Lasting Impressions

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MemoryMixer 2
by Lasting Impressions
January 27, 2008
MemoryMixer 2: IntroductionMemoryMixer 2: Using MemoryMixer 2
MemoryMixer 2: SpecificationsMemoryMixer 2: Conclusion

MemoryMixer (version 2)
by Lasting Impressions
Features: Create your own digital scrapbook with ease, as well as add music and video for a complete multimedia experience. Create your digital scrapbook from an initial collection of 40 QuickMixes, 200 backgrounds, and 1,200 embelleshments.
Official Website:
MSRP: $79.95
Current Price: Buy Direct
In various fashions and forms, scrapbooking has been around for thousands of years, spanning several continents and cultures, each with its own version of the way human beings communicate with each other. Current scrapbooking has now been transformed once again in the digital domain by adding audio and video clips, as well as providing options for creating an interactive experience on CD or DVD media, as well as the standard printouts. But what's possibly even better, is your digital scrapbook can now be shared with others in your network of friends and relatives with a single link sent to them. No printouts necessary, just a pure digital archive of your creation. MemoryMixer 2 offers all of these features, and we'll discuss them later on in this review.

The first time I came across scrapbooking, was with a friend. She was rather good at what she did, and knew what kinds of embellishments would make her scrapbook really stand out (for those who don't know, are those things which decorate the scrapbook page). One particular day, I was invited to go along with her into a local scrapbooking store. I was instantly fascinated at the amount of intricate and hand-made pieces being available at one place. I wasn't converted into creating my own scrapbook right then and there, but I did want some of those cool-looking embellishments.

Taking scrapbooking into the digital domain, we have a major feature which could be an exciting new avenue for traditional scrappers. Normally, when you buy , you buy a finite amount of one design, and when you use it, it's gone. With digital scrapbooking, you can use your backgrounds over and over, in addition to embellishments, as much as you want, whenever you want. I can understand how some traditional scrappers might frown at this idea, since scrapbooking is about being unique, and using the materials obtained at that particular time are what make scrapbooking what it is. Point well taken. However, with digital scrapbooking, you still have the advantage of not using your over and over, but you do have a virtual collection which can be resourced at any time.

MemoryMixer 2 brings the digital scrapbooking age to your desktop. It's simple to use, and has an endless amount of possibilities for adding new backgrounds and embellishments. MemoryMixer 2 is also an application which exposes one interested in scrapbooking, to a very uncomplicated way of experiencing it, but yet providing the skills necessary to actually complete a hard copy scrapbook. What might seem a paradox, MemoryMixer 2 has the potential to provoke interest in creating a scrapbook with real materials as well.

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