Installation of the Intuos3 pen tablet is straight forward and very easy so that particular aspect will not be covered (for XP and Windows 2000 users, be sure to plug your Intuos3 into an active USB port first before installing). After installing the drivers, you will be presented with a screen of various options. Below are a few screen captures of the first few options to give you an idea. Be sure to click on the images for full-size images of what you will see when you use the tutorial.
The first screen you see is the Basic Training screen. The second screen capture is about holding the pen properly. Of course we all have our own ways of holding our pens, but this is a good point of reference. I hold my pen in a particular way and still the Intuos3 did quite well, so this is just a guideline for use.
The third screen capture we see below (which is part of Pen Basics), informs you of "pointing" the pen over the pen tablet in order to get positioning. The fourth screen capture below, is taken from the Mouse Basics section. All of these mini-tutorials are animated to some extent so you see the pen and mouse interacting with the pen tablet.
The Customizing Tutorials
These tutorials are the last part of the entire. There are four extended tutorials, which average about 3 minutes each. These extended tutorials cover the pen, mouse, tablet functions, and application-specific settings. I certainly recommend you view these last four tutorials, if any. They are very helpful and will give you a better idea of just how advanced the Intuos3 pen table can become.
Tips & Tricks
As if Wacom couldn't be more generous in offering the user several tutorials, they also created some application-specific tuturials for programs such as Photoshop, Flash, Painter Essentials 2.0, and nik Efex.